Wednesday, January 5, 2011


because I'm streamlining! follow me on my new wordpress!

Monday, January 3, 2011

in which I resolve.

I frequently find myself making the same New Years Resolutions - lose weight, drink more water, etc....

But this year, I've done a lot of thinking about things that I really want to do with my life that require a change. A big part of that is giving myself a MONEY MAKEOVER. (Yep. I said it.) I'm not excruciatingly good at managing my money. I never have been. A card to me is like a magic piece of plastic that gets me stuff I want. (The most unhealthy thought I've ever had.) So here are a couple of steps that I'm taking for my money problems.

1. I'm going to start using Microsoft Money. Yeah, I'm actually going to keep track of my spending. I'm pretty sure it'll actually keep me in check with how much money I've spent, instead of a bunch of vagueish mental math that I'm never quite correct on.
2. I'm going to open a savings account. I'm going to make frequent deposits. I'm not going to touch it. I'm going to call it "The Don't End Up Living At Your Parents' For the Next Ten Years" fund.

Other resolutions that I have made:
1. To read the newspaper at least three times a week. Or at least, the front page section. I think that being at least a little informed as to what's going on in the world can be very important. My American Government class taught me that I knew so very little about what has been going on in American politics since I entered college, and I'm hoping that reading the paper will be my first step in becoming an informed citizen. (Yep. I said it. NOW how stodgy do I sound?)
2. To read a book at the very least, once a month. A BOOK, not a magazine, not a play. Now, this is a hard one for me, because I have a hard time justifying reading anything other than plays as a "waste of time" in comparison to reading something that benefits my career... however - I love reading. and I think it's healthy to spend a certain amount of time doing something that's just for me.
3. Go back to meditating. Enough said. I used to rave about how wonderful I felt and how focused and powerful I felt when I was meditating daily, so I'm really rather disappointed in myself for stopping.
4. Get over my completely irrational fears. The first one I'm going to tackle is the Muppet Christmas Carol. Ferris wheels whenever I can find one.

Happy New Year. Hope your resolutions go well!

Friday, December 31, 2010

in which I review.

Oh! 2010! How you've escaped me!//Wow. What a year. 2010 has been by far, a year of self-discovery. Here is a little peek back into the past, since I really was atrocious at keeping up with my blog.

What I did//I started working out regularly. I was in a musical for the first time since high school. I danced. A lot. Crazy for You came and went. I directed my first ever full show complete with auditions and designers. I was a dirty mistress. I kissed the one man who has meant the most to me in my whole life. I lost him, too. I became a college senior. I had a million and one asthma attacks. I went swimming in the Chattahoochee River. I went to my first wedding as an adult person. I finished my Meisner training. I had a scandalous single girl summer. my apartment became "The Leaky Cauldron". I went on tour, and I had an amazing time. I started rehearsing a really exciting new project. I read a lot of Shakespeare. I bowled. I turned twenty two, which seems a lot older than twenty one. I bought my own airline ticket and flew to see a man alone, which seems rather adultlike, if you ask me. I met my new best friend, Sir Percival Corndog. I had a smaller, yet happier Christmas than usual. I spent a longer time home than I have in awhile, and I was happy.

Where I went//North Carolina, a lot. Houston, Texas, for my grandfather's funeral. All over the South West Georgia/East Alabama area. In a tour van. With three handsome, funny guys. Be jealous. We entertained children. Columbus, Ohio. Raleigh, to see the Nutcracker. Atlanta, frequently. Augusta, but only at the beginning of the year.

New Years Resolution: Travel more!

Music I Really Dug//Matt & Kim, Emiliana Torrini, The Love Themes from Love Actually, Sunday in the Park with George, "California Girls", that "I throw my hands up in the air sometimes..." song, I don't know what it's called, Ceelo Green's "Fuck You" changed my life. I had an intimate affair with the "Aim and Ignite" album by Fun. Guster and the Beatles and Rilo Kiley. It never changes.

Movies that Rocked my World//Inception. Black Swan. I loved the new Narnia movie, but that's my Narnia obsessed self. HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS. The Lovely Bones was trip-city. Sex and the City 2 was ridiculous, but wonderful. I finally watched Carrie and Psycho at Halloween, and I loved them both.

Books and Plays that Made Me Happy//Love is a Mixtape. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The million times I have re-read every Harry Potter book (always.). Ironically enough, Asleep on the Wind. Directing it and feeling like I lived in a tree filled with stars (some of us are just that lucky.). The Caucasian Chalk Circle. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I just finished The Magicians by Lev Grossman, so that could be on this list too.

Things I'm Looking Forward To in 2011//Watching Percival Grow. Finishing school, finally. My senior project, "In Dreams/Nightmares" premiering, and feeling that complete feeling of creating something... I hope. The next installment of the Harry Potter movie! Moving away from the armpit of the world, Columbus, GA. The excitement of moving... in general. The job hunt, which I'm sure will be long and terrible. The many adventures to come. =)

Life is good, it just depends on how you look at it.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

send me on my way.

It's a really strange thought - in about six months, I am going to be a college graduate. I am going to have a degree. It's been an amazing three and a half years thus far, and I'm sure my final semester is going to be awesome too... but it's hard for me to not be a little excited about not being in school anymore.

There was a point where I really wanted to go to grad school right after my undergrad - but I honestly don't think I do anymore. This is going to sound awful, as academic as I am, and as much as I get sick pleasure out of writing papers and doing school work, but I am incredibly burnt out on school. I am constantly feeling exhausted of being POOR (because I literally have no time to work between papers, shows, etc), and feeling like I'm jumping through hoops. While I am sure that graduate studies are in my future (like I said before, the lure of making an A is too appealing to me..), I'm also sure that I need to go take some time, move to a city center, audition, and try to get some acting work (while probably working a survival job...).

I'm home for the holidays right now, and watching my new puppy, Percy (officially, Percival Corndog Lyles, but sometimes called Perseus) and my older family dog, Crystal interact is SO funny. Percy seems to think he is bigger than her, and Crystal has taken on the role of disciplinarian. For example, he was barking last night when we put him to bed. Crystal took it upon herself to intimidate him - WIN. Love it.

So much holiday knitting to do today...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

giving thanks.

Yesterday, I did one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life. I had to have my friend and kitty, Hepcat, put to sleep. He was very sick very quickly, and there was no guarantee that he would ever get well - if I had kept him alive he would pretty much spend the rest of his life hospitalized and on machines, and I'm sure that would not be the life he would want, and definitely would not be the way that he would want to spend the holidays. However, I feel like I made the right decision. Rough as it was, at least he is no longer in any pain. =(

It puts a damper on my holiday, I will admit. I'm happy to be home with my family (including Psycho Kitty and my darling corgi, Crystal) though, because it makes me feel a little better and a lot less alone.

I love Thanksgiving. This past year, especially, I have been thinking a lot about gratitude and using it to become a better person. I love that this holiday (though rooted in the pillage of the natives..) celebrates the idea of gratitude, and for that reason, I make a list of things I am grateful for.

Today, I am grateful for....

My family, my dog, our new home. My roommates, and our home. That I can go to school and study what I truly love. My friends who have stuck by me thus far. Apple pie. Turkey. Breakfast with my parents. Being able to legitimately celebrate Christmas. Baking. The free mascara I got from my ULTA rewards card. Did I mention my family? Or my dog? CRYSTAL! The white daisies my mom bought to cheer me up. Oh, my family!!

=) give thanks. and love.

Monday, November 8, 2010

I am the luckiest.

Life is good. In all, in general, and always, life is good.

Money is hard, school is hard, life is good.

I spent last night trying to rig bags of blood to explode inside a man's dress shirt and attempting to make fake daggers, tonight I'm reading The Caucasian Chalk Circle, tomorrow I'm doing a show for children in the morning and then camping out and analyzing a play for my last directing scene here at Columbus State (whoa.), this past weekend, I got to induct new members into Alpha Psi Omega! In a few weeks, I'll get to go home and see my family. And soon, I'll be working on a show that is a creation basically out of my own mind... how amazing is that?

Some days, I love what I do so much I could just cry with gratitude that I'm able to do it.

Yeah, life is pretty fucking awesome.

Other things? Janine and I seriously cleaned the apartment earlier, so now I feel like real people live in it again. I miss Brian being in my life for real... I'm getting to be a much better knitter than I used to be. I'm actually ninety years old, I swear to goodness. My birthday is in less than a month! (I'm actually only turning 22... wait. What? I'm turning fucking twenty two?! How'd I get so fucking old?!) I plan on celebrating it with a midnight picnic and sparkly lights and delicious food =) Or with a party. Either way, there has to be lots of glitter and big curly hair. =) I just wanna celebrate while I can... before I really do get old.

Recently, I just feel like a lot of things have been falling into place pretty easily. Things are stressful, yes, but I feel like each day isn't as much as a challenge as they have been in the past. I think it's honestly because I finally have really found where I belong in the world, and not just "theatre" but "directing student", and hopefully one day, "director". God, that would be so cool.

Yeah, life is pretty effing good. =)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

on feeling full.

It's such a strange feeling - being so busy after being so bored for so long. This past week has been SO FULL of rehearsal, stressful new classes (all of which seem to require a million pages of reading a week!), and friends that I've missed so much.
hfjwfwj42gggggg <- this is Melissa's contribution to my blog. She's a cool girl, that Melissa.
I'm very excited because Melissa, India, and I are going to Belloo's tonight for Little Black Dress night! Two free drinks, and fun times with two of my favorite female friends =) How happy! PLUS< I get to look all cute and stuff!
Today is such a nice day in comparison to the rest of this week, because I have felt so tired all week! Today I got to sleep in, fart around at the mall, and now we're watching The Neverending Story 2 and I may even take a NAP!
I'm happy also because I had gained a lot of weight over summer, this past week I've been going to the gym a lot and I have actually lost 3 pounds! HOORAY!
I hope all is well with you =)