Monday, February 15, 2010

seventeen really awesome things.

for a little positivity, I wanted to list a random number (17) of awesome things about my life.

1. when you're actually in shape enough to stretch properly.
2. drinking OJ out of a wine glass.
3. ordering pizza and cinnamon sticks during a two hour break between class and rehearsal.
4. yoga in the morning.
5. sleeping in the same bed with someone else, and waking up late with them.
6. my cat. (enough said.)
7. my mom sending me chocolate for valentine's day.
8. doing my own nails.
9. being done with my directing analysis.
10. the snow.
11. inspiration for my crappy poetry.
12. making good grades in my classes.
13. choreographing for both crazy for you AND the theatre dance 2 class!
14. directing a one act... getting to sit in the director's seat at auditions!!
15. watching grey's with brian.
16. the moment when you finish running and plop down on the couch.
17. living where I live now, with the people who I love, doing what I really love... because hey - if I didn't love theatre, would I be going into a field with 90% unemployment?

love you kids.

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