I miss my cat. I usually realize that when I'm at school I miss my animals a lot. But recently, I really want a cat to snuggle with while I watch television (Hepcat would be a pretty good cat to take up this job.)
In closer examination, I feel that I look so much thinner in pictures from high school than I do now. (Though in reality, I have only gained approximately 7 pounds) This is upsetting to me, but not totally unexpected. I don't dance NEARLY as much as I used to and there is no possible way I could have kept my body the way that it was. However I wish my chin were as defined as it used to be... and maybe just my shoulders and stomach. I don't know! I don't mind my thighs being bigger at all, but the stomach is killing me slowly.
I just got back from GTC yesterday. In general, I could sum it up in one word - NIPS. Haha, well really, it was a good time. We stayed in a hotel with me, Janine, Cory, Doug, and Nick (he left for the second night but the real crazy night was the first one). We auditioned for the screening for SETC, and basically because one judge HATED me (really, they did.) I did not get passed on. Of course, this makes me partially question my whole career, but not really. I know that it was just ONE person's opinion - and hey! that's the business. I'm young and I need to learn more, obviously. I'll try again next year, and hopefully it will work out better and ALL the judges will lik me and not just two out of three. c'est la vie!
On the plus side, now I do not have to worry about whether or not I can go to Germany this summer - I can! Of course, I am going to have to get a job to save up money for this purpose and apply for scholarships, etc. But I REALLY want to go.
See? Always try to look on the bright side of life!
Hm? Another bright side of life - the stress is about to ease up on me. The week before last was Batboy (STRESS) and then last week I had a lot of things due and I was preparing for GTC (stress) and then this week I just have school... and I'm going to see Wicked in Atlanta with my mom on Friday! tres excitement! =] For her birthday, my dad got us a hotel room to stay over night too so we don't have to drive in the middle of the night. Woohoo!
However, the next week leads into 2nd Semester General Auditions. WHY CAN I NOT GET A BREAK?! Lol, jkjk. I already have my monologue picked out and partially memorized (will get on that today, I swear). I really would like to be cast next semester, but if I'm not, I still want to do things like running crew, etc. I will just work my hardest on my audition and whatever happens, happens.
Luckily the week after that is pretty stress free. Then the weekend after THAT is my friend Carmen and Matt's wedding. Which I'm pretty much planning on making the treck to Augusta to go to. Hopefully all will work out and I will be able to do that. Then Boy Gets Girl... a few weeks... then finals?! WHERE HAS THIS SEMESTER GONE?!
So basically, my life is a hodgepodge of randomness.
I really enjoy going on bike rides when I can. And Nick recently introduced me to Kingdom Hearts 2 so I will probably be playing video games more than usual if at all possible, haha.
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