So as usual, when I think I have life all figured out and I'm finally at peace with something - another bump in the road comes along and I am left (once again) to contemplate my own existence and place in the world.
I'm not complaining of course. Just stating how strange my life is. And trust me, it is. It's hard to explain without giving everything away and causing a lot of controversy.
Basically, I'm happy in limbo.
General auditions are coming up this weekend. I've been working pretty hard so I want to give a bang up audition. Hopefully things will work out, but if they don't, c'est la vie. I know that sounds like such a defeated response, but it's been two semesters since I've been in a mainstage production and 1) I'm not totally miserable, 2) I don't think I've lost respect, 3) I've stayed pretty involved by doing One Acts and this semester I did running crew for Batboy, and 4) I know in my heart of hearts that when one door closes, another always opens. Plus, I'm not needy.
At either rate, school is going pretty well otherwise. I'm pretty certain that my grades are pretty good. I have the most wonderful friends anyone could ask for. Things are looking up financially for my parents (which in turn means that things are looking up financially for me, since they still claim me as a dependant).
The only thing is this. My dad has been working out of our garage fixing computers for like five years now since he quit his corporate job at EZ-GO. However, he has been of late looking for new corporate jobs. He got one! Yay! The only sucky thing is that it's in North Carolina. Now, for my parents, this is a big adventure, I suppose. Moving away and all that. But they're leaving the only home I ever knew. Maybe I was just spoiled by the fact that I never moved as a kid, but seeing as this Christmas will be the last one in my house, I don't really know how I feel about not having a home that I know to come to on breaks. I guess it's a trade off. I shouldn't complain.
Basically, my life continues to be a hodgepodge of randomness.
Oh, I got (really truly) drunk for the first time since January on Saturday.
I saw WICKED for the first time on Friday with my mom! (I can't believe I forgot to mention this) and it was amazing. I cried during Defying Gravity. hahaha. I know, I'm a loser. But it was SO GOOD. =]
[reference: subject line: BRIDGET JONES'S DIARY. "You do have... elements of the ridiculous about you."]
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