Tuesday, September 29, 2009

strange new habits.

here's a weird habit I've picked up lately:

I'm a generally happy person, anyone will tell you that. I mean, hell, I actually was dumped for being "too happy". But in general, I like to think that it's a good quality of mine. I tend to look on the bright side of things, I work hard, and I make things work.

I think it's being alone that's hard though. Because this is the most bizarre thing. Twice, literally twice, in the past week, I have started crying in the middle of a store when I was doing my compulsory shopping. What is going on with me?

I guess I know what's wrong. I'm just scared to admit it.

Really, everything is fine. I think my life sounds totally depressing if you just read my blog... but in reality my life is awesome. I'm stressed, but I'm doing pretty great. I just bury my emotions and sometimes have to get them out via blog.

did I make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life?

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