So here I sit with a pint of Ben & Jerry's, a coke, and my hair totally undone.
It's been a good day. Let's start off with the beginning - I really didn't want to wake up. This is probably because I woke up at 5AM with the worst cramp in my shoulder and I honestly don't remember how many advil I popped in a desperate attempt to get back to sleep. This is a bad habit which should be erradicated.
So I got up slowly, totally ignored the condition of my hair and went to class. Somehow, pilates didn't seem SO torturous today, and let's be real -
I didn't care about the cast lists. In this totally WEIRD way I had already dealt with the idea of not getting cast again in my mind. I had already said to myself - well, self, hopefully my freestage will get approved and I can just keep on trucking next semester - it's not like I died these past two semesters when I wasn't cast, silly! So I didn't even go over there in a crazed attempt to look at the lists at 10, since I had a class that was billed to begin at 10AM.
Lucky me, I have my wonderful facebook fiancee, Jamie Lynn Simmons who texted me "congrats on machinal!" and Larry let us run on over to check the lists before we started class. Basically, I got cast in Machinal! It's so incredibly ideal - it's a small part of an ensemble cast (I always wanted to be in that show that a huge part of the department was in!) and I'm pretty much just thrilled to peices. It's ideal because A) I really want to do my freestage, which I put the proposal in for today (won't know for a week if it's totally approved though ugh!), B) I am taking Stage Management so that's stressful as well, and C) I really want to be in a one act! so having a smaller role in a mainstage show is great! HOORAY!
Seriously though, I'm really happy about it. Also, Chase took me to Minnie's Uptown Restaraunt for lunch before I had advisement and it was delic, I fit in a quick nap AND I get to go see "This is What Happens When..." tonight (featuring all of my lovely friends!)
I think I'm over Logan. I'm not feeling needy for a boyfriend. I had a good excercize in acting class today. I'm learning to let go a little bit of my appearance and just relax.
You know what I can't wait for though? Thanksgiving. That is going to be nice. Just to go home, relax with my family, eat a lot of food and then after that, I can start on my Christmas rampage!
Basically, I'm having a great day today.
pps. halloween was ludicrously fun this year, thanks to my wonderful friends!
1 comment:
1. I cannot even handle how awesome Minnie's is. I eat there all the time!
2. You'd be surprised, you'll have a lot to do in Machinal. =) But congrats anyway. It's going to be an INCREDIBLE show!!!
3. You're the best. Love you!!!
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