Sunday, May 31, 2009
yellows blues and greens
pushing against the course grains with the heel of my hand
and blending them together
you never let go of your brush
single straight lines of black run with the gridlike textures
while my paint falls so delicately with the water
none of my colors blurring into one
you suffocate me with your perfection.
let it go. let it go. let it go.
there's nothing out of place with you -
but for me.
but I'm not on your canvas anymore
colors discarded to the side for your perfect sketches
maybe it's perfect
but it isn't art.
(31 May 2009)
I'm having a really relaxing day. In fact, I am just wearing cheerleading shorts and lazing around my house. I really shouldn't bother writing poetry, but phrases sort of blend together in my head and I think it's the best way to describe the way I feel right now.
Friday, May 29, 2009
I remembered.
There never was a mood of mine,
Gay or heart-broken, luminous or dull,
But you could ease me of its fever
And give it back to me more beautiful.
In many another soul I broke the bread,
And drank the wine and played the happy guest,
But I was lonely, I remembered you;
The heart belongs to him who knew it best.
- "I Remembered" by Sara Teasdale
This is all I will say: I am filled with gratitude that this summer will be spent so very far away from all of this.
It's just really bad when you remember how easily you fit together - and your heart breaks just a little bit more, as though you had never put it back together in the first place.
I cannot wait for my life to begin. I cannot wait to not be reminded of you every single day. I cannot wait to forget.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I spend every day reconfiguring my senses.
and then he smiles and nothing else makes sense.
god, here we go again. I'm pretty sure my behavior is bad for my emotional health. other than this factor, my life is going fairly well. Oh, and my car is in the shop right now. Other than those two factors, I really feel like I want to just be lazy and read and be happy and content with myself.
I think this year has changed a lot in me. I am not always on the edge of having some social breakdown (though I won't lie to myself and say they never happen), I've lost friends who I never thought I would, but I strengthened friendships, harbored new ones, dated people I would never expect myself to, developed a crush on a guy friend (ahem, now) that I really would have never expected from me. I think that it's been interesting. I feel more mature, more goal oriented, more... I don't know, I like myself more, I guess.
Yeah, that's it. I'm glad about that. Fly Over Land goes up next weekend, and then Germany time! A lot of exciting things are happening in my life right now. But I think that's the way it's supposed to be when you're young.
it never ceases to amaze her that he can even make her heart skip a small beat, let alone start to pound in her chest. but it also never ceases to get old.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
confession number one: shopaholism.
what do you do?
drink heavily? nah, that's too much bodily damage for a temporary problem. plus, then you might get stained as an alcoholic. go to sleep? where's the fun in that? cry? oh no, I am not messing up my makeup even MORE!
There is nothing like the warm feeling of the florescent lights as you enter a store. The calming effect of the music is hard to ignore too. You browse through the aisles mindlessly and as you peruse the items, you mentally check in a reason that you could purchase any one of them. And finally, you find it.
The perfect selection. It's a mental high. You know exactly how you'll incorporate this new and exciting item into your lifestyle. You have plans for its lifetime with you - it's going to be perfect!
And then comes check out. It's especially poignant if you're using a card to make your purchases, it almost seems like nothing has even happened, you've just found something new for your life! Nothing can compare to the way you feel when you walk out of that store, clutching your purchases as if they were your only chance at happiness.
(and sometimes they are.)
I bought a new CHI straightening iron today. it was a little ridiculous.
Monday, May 25, 2009
It's been raining for the past few weeks. It's strange, but I never remember much rain growing up. (Well, that's explainable because we've been in drought for as long as I can remember, but you know) I always remember summer being days on end of running and playing and building tee-pees out of pinestraw and fallen trees in the woods. I remember just the blazing summer sun causing my skin to glisten and sweat to form at the edge of my strawberry hair.
I remember countless numbers of plastic bag popsicles and strawberries with sugar for dessert with my family.
I remember the way that I felt so very carefree - and it seemed like summer could last forever. Days of swimming and never worrying about what my hair actually looked like.
Damn, that was a good time.
This summer is so very different. I'm worried about making the rent and paying bills, and I'm going abroad and I'm doing a show (which, in comparison to my childhood summers, doesn't surprise me, considering that I used to make fake talent shows in my back yard!) Life is so different.
(this blog was originally going to be about eating and overweight children because of this episode of Tyra I watched, but I think this is more poignant and more relevant to my life as of now.)
He's handsome in a way that no one else really is. She is all coy smiles and misplaced laughs and biting her lip. The mixture is almost too dangerous to the taste for them. (Scene 4, before the first kiss.)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Lately I am in a shoe funk! I have been wearing cowboy boots and moccasins every day and I need to stop it! So I keep trying to wear heels instead [= or flats. or something OTHER than moccasins and cowboy boots.
I was in a weird mood this morning - and I'm honestly much better than I made myself out to be in my last blog. I am pretty much moved on and I like someone else, I promise. Crazy, but I go through these weird "I'm not quite over it" phases and I just can't shake them off. The day was really good today though and I am really very happy.
I've been trying to think of something poetic to write about in my blog lately, instead of just blahdeblahing about my life, but I think that's what a blog is for, either writing something interesting about your perspective or just talking about your life. So I think it's a "talk about my life" stage right now.
"Life isn’t divided into genres. It’s a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky."
Alan Moore
that's all.
I'm really quite happy, I promise. I just miss that.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
maymester is weird. I went on ONE date with a guy and everyone is like freaking out... one date! it's cool, guys. haha. don't freak out! that's allowed to happen, you know! haha. oh well!
I love my apartment! furniture arrives tomorrow, along with my cat, Hepcat!
and my car will get fixed!
on the downside, brittain left today =[ sad times.
there is a really long list of people who I wish were with me in columbus right now, but they're not. Fly Over Land is going pretty well, I suppose. I'm happy about that.
There's not much to update about, life is slow. But I am really, genuinely doing well.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
the truth.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Things are really good right now. Obviously, not everything is perfect, but I do thank God for these brief days of joy.
I've moved into my new apartment with Janine and Brittain. We pay bills like real people now. There's a pool available to me at any time I want it (though it's been eerily cold the past two days...) and I finally have my own room! Basically, I adore it. I can't wait until my parents come into town this weekend because a few things will happen then:
- I will get furniture! YAY.
- I will get to see my family!
- My dad will fix my car!
Also, I am so so so very over you. And this time I'm not writing it just to make myself feel better.
I feel like I'm walking around with a warm little secret. My heart feels warm and I feel more open than I have in months. And I kind of like that.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Now you're probably wondering why I'm blogging about some tree. I'll get to that soon.
I remember that tree - carrying it out of my elementary school haphazardly on Arbor Day towards my mom with the rest of the car riders (these were the days before I became a latch-key kid like the rest of my neighbors, or even understood the concept of riding the bus). At either rate, I remember toddling home with said tree and planting it where it now stands. I don't remember much of the actual planting process - when it happened in relation to my mother picking me up from school that day, whether or not I planted it or my mother did, or really anything about it - I could fabricate some sappy story about how we planted it together or BLAH BLAH BLAH, but in truth, I (like most people who are actually coming into adulthood) don't remember much other than playing with caterpillars and coloring from kindergarten. (And even those memories are more like a blurry montage set to some kind of happy classical music)
But what I remember most about that tree is this. I carried it out of the school. My grubby little three foot something hands carried that tree out of the doors of my elementary school. Now, that tree is twice as tall as me.
I have changed so much in my lifetime. From being that cute little shy girl in elementary school, to my awkward anger at the world during middle school, through my rockabilly phase, my eighties phase, high school, college - everything. I don't think words can ever accurate describe the ever changing chameleon nature of the human condition, and I (like everyone else in the world) am a perfect example of this.
But I have spent my entire life here, in this house. While I have dealt with my parents' move as best I can, and I really am okay with it, it's just strange to think that I will probably never come back here for a long stay again. I guess my life is moving on, and I've known that for two years now. But I guess I always thought I'd be able to come back here. Sit my ass in this living room, sleep til noon on my futon, and look at that stupid tree without a second thought.
But that's not really an option for me anymore. Life is taking me on a new adventure, and I am completely different than I was.
I lay on my stomach on the swing that my father built for my mother reading the book that India lent me, dutifully throwing that pine cone back and forth for my goofy little dog and I smiled.
I am not the only one who's changed here.
<3 Back to Columbus tomorrow.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
let it go.
"But I love him."
"So love him."
"But I miss him."
"So miss him. Send him some love and light every time you think about him, and then drop it. You're just afraid to let go of the last bits of David because then you'll really be alone, and Liz Gilbert is scared to death of what will happen if she's really alone. But here's what you gotta understand, Groceries. If you clear out all that space in your mind that you're using right now to obsess about this guy, you'll have a vacuum there, an open spot - a doorway. And guess what the universe will do with that doorway? It will rush in - God will rush in- and fill you with more love than you ever dreamed of. So stop using David to block that door. Let it go."
"But I wish me and David could -"
He cuts me off. "See, now that's your problem you're wishin' too much, baby. You gotta stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone oughtta be." (Page 150)
Of course, replace all the names with relevant names from my life, but you get the picture.
Seriously, why can't someone sit me down and say these things to me? Thank you, India, for letting me borrow this book.
Also, my Dove chocolate (I admit, I have an addiction. I literally eat chocolate every single day.) told me: "Create peace for yourself"
Why is it that the universe did not align itself with good advice for me a few months ago?
It's so nice to be home - and I think once this week of detox is over, I'll be ready to start anew in Columbusland. Please - let the calmness and inner peace carry over the miles to Columbus so that the Summer of Love can begin. <3
Friday, May 8, 2009
the sky is yours.
- If I can't fix a problem with someone and I can't bring myself to forgive them, I'm just going to avoid them until forgiveness comes. I know myself, and I know it will one day arrive, but at this point - I'm so hurt by some people that I don't even want apologies from them. I just want the pain to fade away and I know that I will forgive them eventually.
- I'm not going to torture myself if I want to spend some "me time" and I'm just going to think of it as "hanging out with myself".
- I'm going to be more open to the idea of dating people, because I think I've once again closed myself off because of all the hurt that's happened this semester. I think it's time that I realize that I have something in me that's worthwhile. And I need to remind myself of that.
open up your mind and see like me -
open up your plans, and damn! you're free.
look into your heart and you'll find the sky is yours!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
covered in scars I did nothing to earn.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
come right out and say it.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. <3

8+ hours of dancing and I'm absolutely fucking exhausted. Like I feel like if someone poked me too hard, all my bones would fall out of place and I'd tumble to the floor - a pile of flesh and bone not entirely put together but still in the same heap. But at the same time, I really love dancing so it's okay [=