8+ hours of dancing and I'm absolutely fucking exhausted. Like I feel like if someone poked me too hard, all my bones would fall out of place and I'd tumble to the floor - a pile of flesh and bone not entirely put together but still in the same heap. But at the same time, I really love dancing so it's okay [=
APO Ball was fucking fantastic! I actually think that it was one of my favorite nights since I've been at college - the ball was so much fun (you know how I love to dance!) and the party afterwards was great too! (Even though Taylor called me at 4AM for NO REASON hah!) I always really enjoy events that are predominately theatre people, but the ball just always seems so wonderful because we're just there to celebrate our hard work. which is beautiful, when you think about it! Because we really do work our asses off. [=
Plus, it's nice to be able to be around eachother in a non-theatre related event. Like, no one has to go run lights or do crew or put on a costume, we can just be around each other, have a nice meal, and dance like we're crazy retarded.
I love the department [= I really do. I know that sometimes I get tired (see a few paragraphs below this), but I truly do feel like I'm in the right place at the right time right now. Serendipitous! I've learned so much in the past two years and I've grown so much, but I don't think I would have been able to without not only the help of the faculty but also my fellow students here in the CSU Theatre Department. I adore you all - just so you know. <3
I'm reading "Eat. Pray. Love." and I really adore it as well. I'm in the first section and it really helps me appreciate being alone instead of resenting it. [=
My apartment is literally spotless. It's weird but nice. I forgot how I liked to be clean. Also, we move out soon. I'll probably be going on home Friday so yeah. Yay! I am really happy to see this semester end - if truth be told. I love everyone here in Columbus and I love school, don't get me wrong - but in the end, my exhaustion of not only just working all the time on theatre (because if that were the case, I'd be overjoyed with life!) but also taking so many classes and having to constantly be up until two AM (haha, like right now?) and all the drama that people around me create is just exhausting. I'm tired and I just want a few days of R&R. It will be really good for me, I think.
I'm about to have a really awesome night's sleep. [=
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