Friday, January 15, 2010

back to the grind...

Is it sad that it's only been one full week of classes and I'm already a little bit stressed out?

I think sometimes people confuse what I mean when I say I'm stressed though - I very rarely mean it in a bad way. Personally, having things (especially theatrically related things) to do from sun up to midnight brings me a lot of reward. I sometimes complain and I definitely worry a lot, but I really do love what I do here at school.

During the past week, I had several "wrong place wrong time" moments. I'm not sure what's going on with that, but it's starting to ease up. I'm sorry if I've been a wet sock but I feel a light at the end of my (rather short) dark tunnel right now, so I'm hoping my general mental clarity will return ASAP.

So here are some of the things I've got going on right now:

1. One Acts. Hit the ground running! I'm ready to have my final decision made and start my analysis. After reading the outline, I know that I'm going to end up writing a small novel, and I really would like to get started on it, lest I actually start to become really stressed out. I'm excited about the piece that I'm more than likely going to get to do, and I am just in general pumped about the situation.
2. Working out. Crazy For You will be starting soon, which means I really need to be in shape! It's something I've been ignoring for far too long. Luckily, I have some work out buddies who are also in the show who are willing to run with me. Phew! Also, Karen and I are going to look into joining a local gym so we can take classes together. Also a plus of this: bikini season is soon, so I need to have less pudge...
3. I bought a coffee pot! Haha, this seems like a stupid thing to update about, but I really really really love coffee, so the general excitement factor of owning one makes me really happy.

I really wish my appetite would come back though. Not because I want to eat, but because I don't want people to worry about me not eating...

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