Friday, January 1, 2010

so this is the new year?

Let me start with this: I wish you all a glorious 2010. I like to think that the world gets better the older I get, so I am thinking my year of being twenty one will be better than my year of being twenty. Just like being twenty was better than being nineteen.

I guess it's typical to make some resolutions. So these are mine. I'm not going to say I'm going to lose weight... because that's probably not true. And the fact is, while I may not be a size 2 or weigh 110 pounds (size eight, one hundred and thirty seven thanks!), I am not unhealthy, and I don't have huge self esteem issues about it, so why waste the time feeling like shit about myself? Door closed.

But on the other hand, I'm resolved to start doing things to help out my respiratory health. In all honesty, I could be better about running/etc so that's my unrealistic (because I'll abandon it mid january when Crazy for You starts!) New Years resolution.

Next: I am not going to hook up with anyone. Sound stupid? Sound lame? It's something I've been wanting to eradicate from my life for a long time. So I'm just going to stop. It's less of a resolution and more of a lifestyle change, but that's it.

This has been my outlook for about a month and a half now but here it is: FOCUS ON SCHOOL. Never in my life have I put so much focus on dating than in the past year. Between all the stupidity, my grades have slipped in the past two semesters and I've made many more B's than I probably should have. I really need to put my thinking cap back on and realize that hopefully I will be MOVING far away (Hopefully to Chicago) in less than two years, so why should I start a serious relationship now? I don't know. I'm not saying that if the right guy comes along I'll ignore his presence, I'm only stating that I am no longer going to rely on men for my source of happiness - mostly because I find that I'm overall much more miserable when I'm not single than when I am.

More simple things: Cook three times a week, learn more about sewing, eat out for lunch WAY less, and destroy EJ Cameron.

That's all for now, folks.

Don't get me wrong, 2009 was great. And I love everyone who made it so interesting for me - but I am just ready for a fresh, more professional, more put together start to my life. Less whining, less complaining, less crying.

Let's get on that, okay? Haha.
Back to Columbus later today!

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