So I'm officially no longer a teenager. In retrospect, they were pretty good years. I mean, middle school could have been better, but high school did me good and I absolutely adore the college aspect of life, so yeah.
I feel like these are the years that have helped me on that ever-present quest to figure out who I am. I mean, we all go through it, so I'm sure you know what quest I mean. Good things, bad things, I feel like I've finally figured out that my bizzare personality really isn't that bad and that I can just be myself. I don't know, I don't want to wax sentimental but I feel like everytime I meet a new friend I find myself more and more comfortable with who I am. It's nice, I suppose. But like I said, I'm glad that I'm not that crazy perfectionist smart kid I was when I was twelve and now I'm who I always wanted to be - artsy and weird, still smart, but I don't freak out everytime something isn't necessarily perfect. It's weird to think how far I've come in the past seven years, really. But I guess that's just growing up.
My birthday was great, and I want to thank everyone who made it so awesome. I just want to say - I feel like I should just stop drinking full stop because I behave absolutely atrociously when I'm sloshed. Not only that - I'm also such a lush. How is it possible that I get drunk off of Reisling more often than I do from vodka or rum? At either rate - I had an awesome time yesterday ushering in the start of my twenty-something years.
Another semester is coming to a close and I'm surprisingly not at all that stressed. Usually I am near the edge of a nervous breakdown by this point. Maybe it's just the classes that I selected for this semester - but I can't say I'm not grateful.
On the other side of that pillow, next semester seems to be shaping out to be an already stressful one. I am grateful to myself for not loading up on crazy classes. My freestage got approved! I am tres excited about this - mostly because choreography is slowly making its way up to being my first love. I guess it's pretty much equal with theatre, but you know ;] I feel like this is a great combination of both and I'm really excited about it. Although it is going to add extra stress to my life, I think I'm more excited about it than anything. Also I'm doing Belly of the Whale (yay) and Machinal (double yay!) so I'm pretty booked up for the next few months after Christmastime.
Speaking of Christmastime - I'm pretty excited about it. Mostly I just want to ignore the fact that I even own a planner and spend time with my family, my dog, my Augusta friends, and just freaking RELAX for once. I don't feel like I have a lot of drama at home anymore, and I want to spend Christmas with people who I love. I'm excited about my third (and final) Christmas party and the ability to dress up and enjoy my friends' company.
Basically this is what I have left to do until I can enjoy all of that: go to class. theatre history paper. acting response. (keep going to class). theatre dance final (easy schmeasy for those of us with dance experiene!). (more class). study for theatre history final. show up to pilates and acting finals. Seriously - please note, most of that is just SHOW UP. My life is bizarro-world.
I love you guys, seriously.
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