What is it about Christmas that I love so much? I guess it used to be the gifts, when I was a kid. Though a part of me would love to believe that it was more of the anticipation and the air of magic that I was drawn to. At either rate, Christmas has always been my absolute favorite day of the year.
Perhaps it's the undivided attention of my family. The complete idea that one does not even have to leave the house and is forced to undergo togetherness, and yet somehow we rarely fight on the actual day.
Maybe it's the food. It would be remiss of me not to mention that Christmas dinner is actually my favorite meal of the year. Whether it be roast beef with yorkshire pudding or turkey and dressing, I feel like it's basically impossible not to gorge myself, because the food is so ridiculously good.
Of course, perhaps, it could be the season leading up to Christmas - I do rather enjoy the carolling and the cookies and the trees and lights. It kind of makes the world seem like one big gingerbread house or just a magical world of niceness.
Maybe it's the parties? I love Christmas parties. Sharing food and talking and listening to happy frappy music that doesn't have anything to do with money/sex/etc and having times of merriment with my friends.
I really think what I like most about Christmas though, is the general feeling of togetherness it gives people. I know that not everyone in the world celebrates Christmas, that would be shallow of me to think that, but for those of us who do, Christian or not, the sense of giving and "peace on earth" and city sidewalks busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style... uh! I love Christmas.
So Happy Christmas, Everyone! Hopefully all those feelings that overtake me for about a month a year overtake you. And hopefully, I can make part of them last for the rest of the year.
Too bad it always has to end so abruptly, but great things are to come.
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