So it's set in. Th evil, the worst, the most horrible part of the semester - the pre-finals stresscapades.
I, as per usual around this time of the semester, have had a nervous breakdown tonight. I just feel like I really need to have a break. I want to be frivilous and free and spend money (that I of course don't have) and I want to have a meaningless fling and not look at my planner for a month... haha, Christmas needs to hurry! I just need some time to sleep (more than just thanksgiving!) and I need to re-evaluate how I feel about life.
This stress I believe is mainly coming from my parents moving. I'm not sure why, but it just spreads over my whole life and I'm starting to feel like I'm losing my place everywhere, as well as my actual physical home. I really want to move out of housing because I really want a place to just call home and have some permanency that doesn't rely on the school year being in session, you know? I mean, while I'd love to be able to dedicate myself to my parents move, but it's hard because I only live with them part of the year.
Luckily this summer I'll be in Germany, but I'm just not sure how I feel about it.
I hate that I bitch so much, so let me update about the good things in my life.
I heard some news from my mom today that makes me estatic. So I know it sounds like a spoiled child thing, but apparently my parents are thinking of getting me a new car (shhh it's a secret, apparently) so I'm stoked! Mostly because my car, which I adore and love, the Professor is a sad heap of metal in the parking garage that usually breaks down.
I'm so very happy about next semester too. I'm happy about being in Belly of the Whale. I'm happy about Machinal. I'm stoked for my classes. I think I've finally figured out my calling. I am excited to start working on stuff for dance extravaganza. I am excited for the future for the first time in awhile. I've always been passionate, but I guess the "torn" between two loves thing is what was getting to me about it. However, the idea of combining my loves is such a wonderful thing that I'm stoked about that again.
I've been feeling pretty lately. My hair looks good. My clothes are all clean. Christmastime is here, and I have some crazy lightbulb earrings that Janine got me that only further transform me into what I really am... Miss Frizzle....
Haha. I feel better after blogging. Love.
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