Monday, December 28, 2009

taking it easy.

Things I have done in the past few weeks that have amazed me:
I have watched MANY movies, including going to the theatre to see three of them! (Sherlock Holmes, Did you Hear about the Morgans?, and Nine!)
I have sewn myself an apron, just for kicks.
I have slept, a lot.
I have bought beers at bars, and just enjoyed them.
I learned to cook pad thai.
I saw someone from home who I have severely missed, but I realize now that that chapter of my life is closed. (feel free to imagine sappy sad music playing here.)

Things I haven't done that I need to:
Cut one acts.
Work out.
Read Spoon River Anthology.

Basically everything I need to do. Haha. But it's really been an excellent break, thus far. I have such mixed feelings about going back to school. On the one hand, I can't wait to get my hands back to working on a show, but at the same time I really like the feeling I get from relaxing. Oh well, life goes on!

Also I realized how lame it sounds when people ask me what I like to do outside of theatre and I have to answer with "I like to cook and bake, I love to read, and I've just started sewing recently." Haha. Oh well!

Life is good.

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