And now I'm home, relaxing and watching tv with my mom. Also, I am playing on polyvore (which I cannot ever thank Janine enough for introducing me to it!) and at either rate, I wanted to post some sets of clothes I could only dream of owning =]

Grey Dreams by breakfastatrobins

Fabulousity! by breakfastatrobins

Bohemian Influence by breakfastatrobins

Cuteness by breakfastatrobins
Haha, basically I've been having way too much fun online. I never have this kind of time on my hands! I guess it's just the shock of having time to enjoy my life that I'm appreciating. Of cousre, I miss Columbus, but I miss relaxing too. =] Also, new bras are a plus. AND I get a new haircut on Friday. YAY.
I'm ready for the Christmas season.
Isn't polyvore amazing?!?! haha I love it. Your sets be cute! :P
Hey, I have a lot of the accessories that you'd need to make the last outfit, and you've got the skirt! All we gotsta do is get you a red turtleneck! (:
Deal? Deal!
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