I have approximately ten minutes in which to write this blog before I head off to a directing scene rehearsal, so it may be a little disjointed in nature.
I'm not sure what's going on in my life. I am so very happy and so very confused all at the same time. Making it through the week gets more and more difficult, and the weekends seem shorter and shorter. Not because I don't love what I do either - I think I'm getting sick. I'm just... coasting, for lack of a better word.
Supplying my body with food. I should write or something. I made a new header for my blog on photoshop the other day and I feel like it actually may have been the most creative thing I've done in awhile. I mean - lets just face it. I'm creative. I thrive on making things and apart from acting class... lately I just haven't been living up to my usual par! for goodness sakes, I made a quilt over the summer out of old shirts! Hopefully things will change soon and I'll be able to be creating ballet (really it's modern dance but hey!) =]
I have an eerie feeling at this very moment. My ghost friend is here. I am the only one in the apartment and a clatter just arose in the kitchen. Of course, I went to check on it, said hello and went back to what I was doing. The other day she said hello to me. I thought it was Janine when I came in and hollered out, but the voice I heard coming from inside our closet wasn't connected with any body, since Janine wasn't here at all!
Unnnerving, sometimes.
I even feel strange writing about it, because I'm sure she can read what I'm saying. Hello, friend.
My thoughts on the election: I'm glad it's over. Honestly, I truly believed that either man was capable of the job (otherwise they wouldn't be able to make it that far to the election!) and it was all a matter of what party would be in power for the next four years. So, congratulations to the Democrats! I'm a political moderate so I'm pretty much in favor of anything as long as they don't force me to join the military and shoot people.
(I'm going to go to my rehearsal now. The rest of this blog will be written afterwards =])
and now I'm home.
here is a stream of conciousness.
my nose is stuffy. I'm cramping. I haven't had my period since August. I probably won't get it it's just a fluke I can't stand the way my skin feels cold but it's warm in the room I hate the fact that I have a cold sore on my tongue I really wish I attracted men I was attracted to (sorry if that's inappropriate) I hate that I never wear real shoes anymore but sperry's are so comfortable I used to hate guys with blonde hair but now I'm not sure red hair is still the sexiest I love my hair the way it is right now I don't care if kim thinks the pocahontas headband is weird I will wear it to spite her I hate the scene shop so much I kind of have to pee I am so happy I got cast next semester I want to take a picture on jono's bed I can't control how crampy I am I want a different bike rack in the rankin so I don't have to put it on the wall since it's huge I'm not sure why I'm writing this stream of conciousness I feel like I would bake if I had the ingredients I wish I had someone to continuously kiss and run my lines with me I hate the way my skin hasn't warmed up yet and it's been a few minutes now I'm mad I missed grey's anatomy tonight I wish the world were a smaller place than it is I lose sight of trivial things when I'm at school like keeping up with tv shows I wish I had time to keep up with them I wish I wasn't the girl that people use to get over their ex's I want a zune so I can listen to music on the shuttle bus I wish my parents weren't moving so I could always live in my same house during christmastime I like coke so goshdarn much directing scenes are so good to do but so stressful sometimes I can't handle how intensely boss six flags is and I really want to choreograph my damn ballet I am so happy about machinal (still) and I really wish I could have some minnie's for a late night dinner right now panera is really good too though I feel like elle woods sometimes because I am so ditzy I'm a one girl revolution I want to make a collage to cover my planner since the cover is fading (sad day!) and I want to watch singing in the rain I want to BE singing in the rain I want to fall in love like kate and leo but not until I know who I am I want a cat so badly and I want my ghost to not hate me and I want everything in the world I wish I could see my parents more often it's pretty cool joe gave me these headphones so I could talk to my sister but I haven't figured them out yet n dI am supposed to watch juno with omar but I don't know when I have time I wish I could figure everything out!
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