Monday, January 19, 2009

this is the first day of my life.

I'm somewhere between really happy and really stressed.

We've been working on Situations for the past two days, and I would be remiss not to mention how happy it makes me. I love choreography. I love teaching dance. I just... I don't know, I love it! The peice is still a little sloppy, but in two two hour sessions, we got the entire first number choreographed and learnt. And I must say that it is really cute and creative. I'm really excited to be working with all the people I'm working with, and I'm excited to be doing this different kind of work, in comparison to just acting.

But also with that happy excitedness comes the stress! I HAVE 13 NUMBERS TO CHOREOGRAPH AND PERFECT BY MARCH 23RD. STRESSSS. Haha, I can do it though.

Other parts of my life are pretty good too. I'm mainly focusing on this right now because it's a lot of work specifically for me, to choreograph and then teach the dance to everyone. I'm hanging out with some different people this semester, and I'm making a vow to be more social in different groups, because I think that's how you get frustrated with you friends - when you spend too much time with them.

you make me smile with my heart

At either rate, life is pretty good. Just going day by day, I suppose.

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