Thursday, January 1, 2009

how do you measure a year in the life?

I have been reflecting today on the last year. By all means, I consider it a successful year. I'm happy, I'm surrounded by people I love, and great things are ahead of me. I think that sometimes I get hung up on the fact that I didn't date anyone this year, but then I remember that I am actually surrounded by love every single day, and it's okay.

Here are my resolutions for 2009:

1. Take off that extra fifteen pounds that I hate about myself. NO, I do not aspire to be a size two, and I don't want to lose an extreme amount of weight - but there's no denying that I've gained some since I started college and stopped dancing, and it DOES make me feel self-consious. So I'm going to start working out WAY more regularly, and trying not to snack as much as I usually do.
2. Be more patient. Lately, I've noticed that I've become very impatient with everyone around me, and I don't know what's going on with that! I'm going to try to be more considerate of other people and less impatient with them.
3. RELAX. Now this seems like a silly resolution if you don' treally know me, but I feel that it is VERY extremely relevant that I need to learn to take a breather each day!
4. Be a cleaner person in the apartment. I don't understand why I'm so messy at school because I'm so clean at home! Explain this conundrum. I resolve to fix it.
5. Be more open to the idea of dating. I know I whine a lot about dating - but let's be real. I have been so shut off to opening myself up to someone that it screws everything up! This resolution also includes attempting to look pretty on a day to day basis, instead of throwing on sweatpants and a tanktop and putting my hair in a hat.
6. Visit my friends in BC and CH more often! (Read: Go see India and Brittain more!)

Well that's it. I hope that 2009 will be as good to me as 2008.

"I've got a sneaking suspicion, love actually is all around."


just a look back at 2008, not in any particular order.

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