Sunday, August 31, 2008
purpose - it's that little flame...
I'm divided by two passions - dance and theatre. I know they're ridiculously similar, and I KNOW that I want to continue my study of theatre here at CSU in the BFA track - so it's not like I'm even contemplating changing my major or transfering (I honestly can't imagine life away from CSU right now) but I am contemplating what I want AFTER college - after I've learned as much as I can from CSU. Do I want to keep studying? Do I want to act? Do I want to try my hands at choreography? I don't even know. I feel like this conundrum is what's been keeping me down lately - well, not really down, just really thoughtful. I've been thoughtful lately, I guess is the right way of putting it.
Other things that I've been thoughtful about - obviously, relationships. It's like, I realize that my life is pretty sweet without one. I'm a horrible girlfriend in that I don't call you every night, I (for the most part) will want time away from you to be with my friends, and I am just altogether weird and don't feel like explaining my strange actions all the time. But then there's that nagging other hand that's like - what if I really AM alone my whole life? what if I'm just not the girlfriend type? Which, all those statements above seem to point to the answer to that question being - no, you're definitely NOT the girlfriend type. And my life isn't exactly debilitated by not having a boyfriend (specifically one person, but you know, we can't always get what we want), but then I see stupid couples and I'm like "UGHHH WHYY MEEE". I can't even explain to you what a conundrum that whole "lonely but feircely independant" situation is.
I guess you could say that I'm waiting for my life to fall into place. I'm not upset, I'm just thinking a lot lately. I feel like there is just something right out of my reach and I can't see it yet, so I can't make a sound decision. Sometimes I feel like I'm so stuck in this little bubble world that I live in that I can't even see all the other options in my life.
Speaking of the bubble - we got out of it yesterday! Yes, for the first time in my entire life I went to Six Flags! haha, I know it sounds like a lame thing to be really excited about but I had never been and it was really ludicrously fun. I love all the people we went with (no drama? WOW. that's a new one), and just in general - I really love roller coasters. The Goliath! OMFG hahahaha. Amazing! Seriously, we rode it three times, and once we rode the very front. The initial drop was terrifyingly fun from the very front though, not gonna lie. Haha, hands up - whole time - front row - hells yeah! I can't even really begin to describe to you how exhaustingly fun and wonderful yesterday was. It was like - eight billion decisions and things that were bogging me down (see above?) just disappeared for awhile and we just had fun.
In short, I am the most indecisive person alive, but at least I'm a good, happy, fun person.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
college girl adventures.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
keep it positive?
I'm suprisingly not all that upset.
Friday, August 22, 2008
POSITIVELY nerve wracking.
I had a pretty good audition (though I feel like I could have done better on my monologue) but I did get a callback for the musical, Batboy, as well as for the touring children's show, Cows Don't Fly and Other Known Facts. Both callback sessions were today and can you say INTIMIDATING and NERVE WRACKING?
Basically, there are only going to be eleven people cast in Batboy at all, and like forty five people got called back. I swear, there were a bazillion girls. Now, I firmly believe that if everything was based on dance I'd have the lead (JUST KIDDING! haha) but I know I'm not the best singer in the world, especially with the mysterious scratchy throat I have! Though I think the singing went pretty well, and the dancing went awesome, I just don't know! The odds are pretty much against me, so I'm not getting my hopes up. But like I said... if they based it solely on dancing... ;]
And then there were the callbacks for tour which were SO FUN. Like we did all these crazy things like acting like animals and being a circus (this one time a guy even jumped over me while I was standing up! and he threw me in the air, etc. SO FUN) so yeah. There are also only FOUR people on that cast, and TWELVE at callbacks, so the odds are 1 in 3 to get it. Not so bad, but still, 2 in 3 is better odds of not getting it =\
But despite all this nervewracking business, I do know this: Not getting cast for a mainstage show IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Haha, it happened last semester, and it may very well happen again. It's a tough semester, this one, and it'd be awesome if I got cast, but if I don't, I won't die. I'll find something else to do, I know it. Haha, that's my KEEP IT POSITIVE attitude I have about auditioning in general - I tell myself that whatever happens is meant to happen!
On other notes: the first day of class has come and gone, and I already feel like I'm back into the swing of my life. I am going to a partayyy tonight (in about a half hour actually) and tomorrow I'm gonna have to go buy a bunch of books, etc. lol. oh mannnn. back to being stressed all the time! (even sans being cast, my schedule is pretty hectic)
Well, that's my life! Auditions, stress, and finally, a PARTY to relax!
Monday, August 18, 2008
a new friend... hopefully.
my new apartment is haunted.
I'm not at all creeped out by it though, so I hope it's a nice ghost.
Here's what happened: Janine and I were going to bed (pretty late at night, I must say) and we were the only ones in the apartment. The way our room is layed out, our computer desks are in the living room and I had already turned my itunes off (but I always have them pulled up on my desktop) and I had washed my face already and gotten into my pajamas so my screensaver must have come up at this point - right? and suddenly from the living room where my computer is located, "Hey Big Spender" is pulled up and playing in the middle of the song! Which I'm sure there is like a bazillion different explanations that do not involve paranormal phenomenon, but I just have a FEELING it is a ghost. I can't explain the feeling, no, but trust me!
Also, I have a friend who lives on the SAME HALLWAY who says he has a ghost who will fold clothes that he knows well and good he left in a dirty pile on the floor - I think that's enough evidence to make me question whether or not the "logical explanation" or the "crazy suggestion" is the right one!
At either rate, I'm welcoming the new presence in my life!
ps. I seriously will take pictures of the apartment whenever we finish decorating.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Today is joyous day.
(pictures tomorrow when we get done decorating!)
Friday, August 15, 2008
excited girl.
I do the same thing, I get lonely too
and you're bad news, my friend told me to leave you
that you're bad news, bad news, bad news..
theme song of my life? possibly, but I feel like it's never going to end. I hate feeling the way I do. I feel like... like I haven't moved past anything from last summer. I feel like I continuously like guys who are no good for me, but then I make a concious decision that I don't care! why am I like this? god.
I've been all about writing really angry poetry lately, mostly inspired by last summer/fall and the most ridiculous amounts of emotional pain I'd ever been in. I'm not sure if I want anyone to read it though, because it's mostly "blah blah blah". maybe one day, I'll post some up totally anonymously or something, because I like it, but of course I do, I wrote it.
on a much happier note: I am so ready for it to be tomorrow. what is it about Columbus that is so appealing you may ask - freedom, would probably be the first thought. as much as I love my family, the evenings alone on my laptop or with (I am ashamed to admit that I've stooped to this level, but I finished all the Boleyn books!) a Twilight book... they are really getting to me! my second thought - theatre, of course! it's the number one reason I even GO to school. haha. then of course - my friends, who I adore and love and miss.
in other words, I need my life back.
I can't wait for it to be tomorrow, no seriously, I can't.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
why is it always raining when I feel sunny?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008
anxious girl.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
artsy girl.

Saturday, August 2, 2008
shopping is fun!

Now this is a pretty awesome lipgloss, because it is "intuitive"! Basically it changes tint so that it will compliment the wearer's skintone! It looks different on everyone! And for $22 it better be great!
We also got some underwear at Aerie =] Which is pretty awesome, because I love Aerie underwear, and the separate store from AE has just opened at the Augusta Mall.
Also, we went to Walmart and got LOADS of stuff for Janine and my kitchen! Which is really awesome because we had always had suitemates who had all this kitchen stuff, so we didn't really have anything to cook with now that we don't have suitemates, haha!
So other than the really shallow parts of my life where I go shopping and get all primped up and pretty, I've been okay. I'm excited to be getting back to school. I mean, I miss everyone, and I love my life when I am in Columbus. I feel like I'm actually accomplishing things when I'm there and I love NOT living with my parents, as awesome as they are, and as much as my mom totally spoils me sometimes. (I think she's going through pre-withdrawal again though) But in this strange way, I'm totally nervous. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like I don't know what's going to happen (in a lot of aspects of my life) when I get to Columbus - stuff this summer has managed to make me really confused in one department of my life (homewrecking whore, that's me), and then you never know how auditions will go (and I really miss acting), and I feel like there's this whole pool of NEW PEOPLE coming in, you know, freshmen! It's gonna be interesting, that's for sure.
Titanic is on TV. YESSS.