Friday, August 15, 2008

excited girl.

and it's bad news, I don't blame you
I do the same thing, I get lonely too
and you're bad news, my friend told me to leave you
that you're bad news, bad news, bad news..

theme song of my life? possibly, but I feel like it's never going to end. I hate feeling the way I do. I feel like... like I haven't moved past anything from last summer. I feel like I continuously like guys who are no good for me, but then I make a concious decision that I don't care! why am I like this? god.

I've been all about writing really angry poetry lately, mostly inspired by last summer/fall and the most ridiculous amounts of emotional pain I'd ever been in. I'm not sure if I want anyone to read it though, because it's mostly "blah blah blah". maybe one day, I'll post some up totally anonymously or something, because I like it, but of course I do, I wrote it.

on a much happier note: I am so ready for it to be tomorrow. what is it about Columbus that is so appealing you may ask - freedom, would probably be the first thought. as much as I love my family, the evenings alone on my laptop or with (I am ashamed to admit that I've stooped to this level, but I finished all the Boleyn books!) a Twilight book... they are really getting to me! my second thought - theatre, of course! it's the number one reason I even GO to school. haha. then of course - my friends, who I adore and love and miss.

in other words, I need my life back.

I can't wait for it to be tomorrow, no seriously, I can't.

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