so since I was nature girl, then I was sick girl, this weekend I am... girly girl!
that's right! the other day I went and Megan gave me a facial at Merle Norman =] which was amazing and very rejuvenating! Then I went with Megan, Cory, and Tyler to see Mama Mia! again haha. I really do think it's a cute movie. And the "Dancing Queen" scene warms my heart. Haha!
And then the next day (which is yesterday) my mom and I went to the Nail salon and got our manicures and pedicures. Would you believe she had never had her nails done?! Haha, I never had a little flower painted on my toes though, so now I do. =] And of course, I love a good french manicure, yayyy.
And then this morning, I got up early and we went for our hair appointment. basically I still have the same cut, with a little different color. Before it was almost blonde, it was so light, but now it's a bit darker, a more auburn color. I like it a lot.

see? haha. I love it! That necklace is also new, because they were having a sale at the salon (strange, but one of their regular clients was selling jewelry like a fundraiser!) and I think it's pretty interesting!
After that, we went out to lunch at Panera (my favorite) and then went shopping at the mall! My mom got some new clothes from Chico's (which is her favorite) and then we went into Sephora, and I thought we were just looking around, like looking at stuff that we might want one day but were gonna ignore our lust for until we had more money! But I was showing her some stuff I wanted and she got me two things... dun dun dun!
Diorshow mascara!

Haha, seriously it is the most amazing mascara. I am so happy that I have it! But not only did she buy me THAT but she also got me.... Smashbox O Gloss!
Now this is a pretty awesome lipgloss, because it is "intuitive"! Basically it changes tint so that it will compliment the wearer's skintone! It looks different on everyone! And for $22 it better be great!
We also got some underwear at Aerie =] Which is pretty awesome, because I love Aerie underwear, and the separate store from AE has just opened at the Augusta Mall.
Also, we went to Walmart and got LOADS of stuff for Janine and my kitchen! Which is really awesome because we had always had suitemates who had all this kitchen stuff, so we didn't really have anything to cook with now that we don't have suitemates, haha!
So other than the really shallow parts of my life where I go shopping and get all primped up and pretty, I've been okay. I'm excited to be getting back to school. I mean, I miss everyone, and I love my life when I am in Columbus. I feel like I'm actually accomplishing things when I'm there and I love NOT living with my parents, as awesome as they are, and as much as my mom totally spoils me sometimes. (I think she's going through pre-withdrawal again though) But in this strange way, I'm totally nervous. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like I don't know what's going to happen (in a lot of aspects of my life) when I get to Columbus - stuff this summer has managed to make me really confused in one department of my life (homewrecking whore, that's me), and then you never know how auditions will go (and I really miss acting), and I feel like there's this whole pool of NEW PEOPLE coming in, you know, freshmen! It's gonna be interesting, that's for sure.
Titanic is on TV. YESSS.
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