I really don't know what it is lately, but I'm getting really easily annoyed. I can't help it - 90% of the people I come in contact with in my day to day annoy me. If it's not one thing, then it's another. And usually this would just be my family, but it's branched out to friends, acquaintances, and total strangers. So I'm sorry if I'm really bossy or mean or grumpy with you, it's my annoyance control going berzerk. I honestly think it's because I've been in one place accomplishing very little and changing very little for so long. I love home, don't get me wrong, but I'm really ready to start actually WORKING at something again, accomplishing things, and feeling like I'm in the right place in the world. Things here are just so... stagnant. It's hard to hang out with people because I have to actually drive to see them, and hanging around the house seems infinitely lamer than hanging around my apartment or on the riverwalk downtown (each the equivalent of hanging out "at home", no gas cost, no money involved at all).
Luckily for my short fuse, I am moving back to Columbus next Saturday. Janine and I will be living in an apartment with just us, and I'm really ridiculously excited about decorating it. At the end of last semester, one of my RAs let me go see it (the other occupants had moved out, obviously) and I've been ready to move in ever since. Although I do so love BC2D, I will be wayyyy happy to live in a dorm that is not specifically for freshmen, and one that has a TABLE. Which sounds like an irrational thing to be excited about, but really, it is pretty darn exciting when you have eaten at your coffee table for a year! Haha!
I've been working on my audition peices a lot lately, and I'm finally basically happy with them, Thank God! They could obviously use a little more work, but that's why I have two more weeks (give or take) to fix them up and make them shiney and nice =] I would really really really LOVE to be cast this semester, but I'm not going to put all my eggs in one basket. Obviously there is plenty of stuff to do around Columbus, and hopefully I will be working tech for the mainstage shows, maybe do a freestage or some community theatre or something like that. Although I always forget that I did the Laramie Project last May and that I need to update my resume. Hah!
I also need a new headshot. A new year - a new headshot! No really, mine is a year old now, and it really doesn't look like ME, you know? I'm not really smiling, etc etc. Plus, my hair is long in it, and that's just not right.
I finially finished Cory's quilt today, he should be happy. I plan on making him pillowcases tomorrow or the next day.
Exciting news: I'm probably going to get paid to paint something for a girl I used to dance with! I mean, not like big bucks or anything, but it's still pretty exciting!
I still hate men, but updating my blog did actually put me in a better mood, surprisingly enough.
=] love you, kids.
"I'll sit and wonder of every love that could have been
if I'd only thought of something charming to say."
You have some great goals this year! Break a leg with your audition piece; no doubt, you'll be awesome! What apartments are you moving to? Keep smiling! =)
thanks jonathannnn.
I'm moving into the Rankin this year haha. Not out of housing, but still a step up from Broadway Crossing. lol.
I am so adding you to my blog list!
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