I would like to tell you that my life is terribly interesting, but it's not. haha, in retaliation at the world for not being cast this semester (though I'm not complaining, just saying the fates were not alligned!), Megan, Janine, and I had a "hair dying party". Janine went BLONDE, we put chunks of red in Megan's, and mine is just an intensified red. (ala that picture.)
At either rate - my life is pretty stagnant and fast paced at the same time. I love all of my classes - my acting class is pretty interesting, I do say. Complicated, confusing, all those wonderful things. I love pilates class and theatre dance - maybe I'll finally get back in shape this semester! Theatre History is about as exciting as it sounds and early, to add insult to injury. I mean, all in all, it's a pretty good semester. I've never been one to let something keep me down for long, and the hairdying was like washing anew that disapointment into excitement for what's coming up! I'm going to sign up to do running crew for Batboy, just because they said they needed tons of people and I still want to be involved, obviously.
Uhm, let's just say I really hate men! I'm on a big manhating kick lately, but I feel like the manhating goes away the second I see him. And the worst part is that he is so totally clueless, I swear! Sigh. I'm all "lalala I hate men, I love my life without a boyfriend" one minute, then I hear some sappy song or I see him and he says something stupid like "how are you?" or gives me some stupidly exceptional hug and I'm all girly and... not all that driven to do anything but be there in that stupid moment! And I don't know! I hate it. I hate feeling like a ninth grade girl with a crush on the captain of the football team (though he definitely isn't a football player haha). Although it usually cheers me up when Brittain texts me - WHAT MAKES THEM THINK THAT'S OKAY?!
Basically, my life is great, but I hate men. A lot.
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