Tuesday, March 24, 2009

new soul.

so things are getting better. no, they really are. I don't feel like the walls are pressing in on me as much as before (though I still have a lot to do.).

  • SITUATIONS: A Contemporary Love Story Ballet. It's over! I can't even fathom that it happened, honestly. It was well-received, and I pretty much just feel like a proud mama [= Thankfully though, I'll have a few extra hours each day now that it's over. Hooray!
  • Machinal is finally merging on tech week! We'll be in the space tomorrow, and yesterday was the really stressful day of understudy run (when I had to go in for Carrie as the Stenographer), so that's over too! Hoorah! I think it's crew watch on Wednesday or Thursday as well... so strange! But after Machinal is over, my schedule will be CONSIDERABLY free-er.
  • One Acts - are actually going rather well. I don't feel totally incompetant as a stage manager (I have at some points during this process), and it's not as stressful as I had originally percieved it.
  • MAYMESTER! Yayyy. So while I was planning on staying for Maymester anyway, I auditioned for the show that we are producing here at CSU - and I got cast! Granted, my role as "The Dancer" has no lines, but I am onstage a lot and I get to dance with an IV post! Hah! It's gonna be nuts. Also, I am understudying the Woman, who is the lead character [= ALSO, I pretty much adore everyone else in the cast. I'm pretty freaking psyched actually. Plus, it won't be a long rehearsal process, so it won't be so torturous. And it will be during maymester, when I might take one class (might not actually)... so I won't be nearly as stressed out! HOORAY. what what.
  • The only really stressful thing is my living situations - it's creeping up that we need to find some place to move and soon! So nerve wracking. Oh well, it'll fall in place, I'm sure.
Well, that's basically it. Life is busy. Life is hectic. I miss having money. I miss my phone. My dad is getting me a blackberry [=. I'm pretty much always tired or cracked out on caffeine. One or the other [=

I like you. Incredibly unexpectedly. Awkward.
I love you. (Always have.)

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