Saturday, March 28, 2009

the road goes on.

Machinal tech has begun. It's surprisingly not as bad as I thought it would be - but I think that's because the technical team is awesome! Also, some of the things that I thought would be awkward aren't. Mostly because I am finally pretty much over Brian. Though that doesn't make it any easier to avoid the awkwardness of my weird fellow castmates! (haha, you all know to whom I refer. awkward!)

I haven't listened to Lord of the Rings: The Musical in forever, but I am so digging it right now.

I'm starting to feel so much less needy in the "love" department. I am definitely in the "physical gratification" phase though, and I feel the need to pointlessly make out with people (bad phase!) but it's better than the moping phase! It's nice to be back to the "okay with being on my own" phase too.

I started skimming through Lindsay's copy of "Skinny Bitch" today. I want to read the entire thing. I want to live my LIFE by that book. Seriously? If I could afford to start just eating so much healthier now, I would. Also, I am working (once again) to cut coke out of my life. it's actually a lot more successful this time though. I'm having one a day in actuality, it almost gives me a headache to HAVE caffeine at this point, and I sleep a lot better at night. I would love to lose some pounds and be healthier as well. I really just need that book lol.

Well, that's life really. School is hectic as usual. Machinal tech. Picking myself back up again. You know how it goes.

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